3,279 research outputs found

    Миграция бузины черной (Sambucus nigra l.) в условиях глобального потепления на территории Республики Беларусь

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    Kritskaya V. V., Buśko Eu. G., Akshevskaya E. V. Migration of the black elderberry(Sambucus Nigra L.) under the conditions of global warming in the territory of the Republic of BelarusПроведена морфологическая и биохимическая оценка плодов, листьев и побегов Sambucus nigra L. Подчеркнуто широкое применение цветков и плодов Sambucus nigra L. в фармакологии и промышленности. Выполнена сравнительная оценка изменения ареала произрастания Sambucus nigra L. на территории Республики Беларусь

    Кількісні морфологічні ознаки та мінливість вегетативних і генеративних органів бузини чорної (Sambucus nigra L.) у Лісостепу України

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    Quantitative morphological signs of vegetative and generative organs of an elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) forms, selected in natural populations in Ukraine, are investigated. Variability is shown, the range of variations of signs for an estimation of selection value perspective forms is defined.Досліджено кількісні морфологічні ознаки вегетативних і генеративних органів форм бузини чорної (Sambucus nigra L.), відібраних у природних популяціях в Україні. Встановлено мінливість, визначено діапазон варіювання ознак для оцінки селекційної значущості перспективних форм

    Морфологическое изучение цветков и соцветий бузины черной (Sambucus nigra L.) в условиях Московской области

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    The article presents material concerning the observation and description of flowering Sambucus nigra L. in the conditions of Moscow region and morphological studies of the flowers and blossoms. For the first time presents quantitative data on the sizes of the parts of a flower and the number of flowers in inflorescences Sambucus nigra L. growing in the conditions of Moscow region. The material can be used for obtaining of medicinal plants.В статье представлен материал о наблюдении и описании цветения Sambucus nigra L. в условиях Московской области и морфологическое исследование цветков и соцветий бузины черной. Впервые представлены количественные данные по размерам частей цветка и количеству цветков в соцветиях Sambucus nigra L., произрастающей в условиях Московской области. Полученные данные могут быть использованы при получении лекарственного растительного сырья

    Активність ферментів переамінування в листках Sambucus nigra в умовах підвищеної мінералізації

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    The aspartate aminotransferase (АsАТ, EC and alanine aminotransferase (АlАТ, EC activities in the leaves of Sambucus nigra L. under the magnesium sulfate (0.5–2.5 g/l) influense as an exogenous factor in a model experiment are analysed. The correlation between minaralization level and transaminases activities in the leaves are presented.Исследовано воздействие экзогенного фактора – сульфата магния в спектре концентраций 0,5–2,5 г/л на активность трансаминаз аспартатаминотрансферазы (АсАТ, КФ и аланинаминотрансферазы (АлАТ, КФ в листьях Sambucus nigra L. в условиях модельного эксперимента. Показаны корреляционные связи между величиной засоления и динамикой активности ферментов переаминирования.Досліджено вплив екзогенного чинника – сульфату магнію у спектрі концентрацій 0,5–2,5 г/л на активність трансаміназ аспартатамінотрансферази (АсАТ, КФ і аланінамінотрансферази (АлАТ, КФ у листках живців Sambucus nigra L. в умовах модельного досліду. Показано кореляційні зв’язки між величиною засолення та динамікою активності ферментів переамінування

    Морфолого-анатомическое изучение свежих и высушенных плодов и семян бузины черной (Sambucus nigra L.) как возможных источников пищевых и лекарственных веществ

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    We have studied ripe and dry fruit and seeds of Sambucus nigra L. from Nalchik province. We have proposed morphological and anatomical description of ripe and dry fruit and seeds of Sambucus nigra L. for raw material quality control.Авторами статьи проведено морфолого-анатомическое исследование плодов бузины черной, собранных в пригороде г. Нальчик в пойме реки Черек. Впервые дано морфолого-анатомическое описание свежих и высушенных плодов и семян бузины черной для установления подлинности растительного сырья


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    Objective: The goal of this study was paying attention on the chemical characterization of phytochemical compounds and their antioxidant activity of Sambucus nigra L. Methods: Phytochemical analysis was performed by Sambucus nigra L fruit extract. Total Phenol and Flavonoids content of elderberry fruit extract also determined using Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric method and aluminum chloride colorimetric method. Antibacterial activity was performed by disk diffusion method and Antioxidant capacity was investigated by DPPH assay, butylhydroxytoluene used as a standard. Results: The richest anthocyanin in elderberry fruits was cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside. The antioxidant capacity obtained for elderberry extract proved that elderberry shown highest antioxidant activity, being the richest anthocyanins. The antioxidant capacity of elderberry fruit methanolic extract was recorded 62.56±1.12 percentages of scavenging activity. We also investigated antibacterial activity against four species Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida, Bacillus cereus, and Staphylococcus aureus. There E. coli was recorded 12.0 mm and Pseudomonas putida was recorded 0.34 mm zone of inhibition. Conclusion: The conclusion of our study is that Sambucus nisgra fruit extract has very high antioxidant activity which makes it recommendable for food industry and dietary supplement

    Phytochemisches Screening auf Pflanzenpeptide in ausgewählten Drogen

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    Pflanzenpeptide sind von pharmazeutischer Relevanz, stellen allerdings eine Inhaltsstoffgruppe dar, die bislang nur unzureichend untersucht wurde. Ziel der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit war es, eine Screening-Methode zu erarbeiten, die eine rasche und selektive Analyse dieser Peptidstrukturen in komplex zusammengesetzten Pflanzenextrakten erlaubt. Mittels der neu entwickelten Methode ist es nunmehr möglich, eine Vielzahl von Proben zeit- und materialsparend auf Peptide zu screenen. Darüber hinaus wurden 46 Pflanzen verschiedenster Familien analysiert, wobei vier „Hits“ detektiert werden konnten: Beta vulgaris L., Curcuma longa L., Dianthus chinensis L. und Sambucus nigra L.. Zwei dieser Pflanzen, nämlich Dianthus chinensis L. und Sambucus nigra L., wurden noch weiter untersucht. Dabei konnte im Fall von Fructus Sambuci nigrae ein genau auf diese Pflanze abgestimmtes Aufreinigungsschema erstellt werden, das es ermöglicht, die erhaltenen Peptide in definierten Fraktionen anzureichern und in sehr großer Menge zu gewinnen. Nach Reduktion und Alkylierung konnte eindeutig bestätigt werden, dass es sich bei diesen um Peptide mit drei Disulfidbrückenbindungen handelt.Plant peptides are of pharmaceutical interest, but are a class of compounds that are not very well studied. The aim of this diploma thesis was to develop a screening-method that enables fast and selective detection of these peptide structures in the complex matrix of raw plant extracts. The method developed in this thesis facilitates the time-, material- and cost-saving screening of a large number of samples. The method was applied for the analysis of 46 plants of different families, resulting in the detection of four “hits”: Beta vulgaris L., Curcuma longa L., Dianthus chinensis L. and Sambucus nigra L.. Two of these plants, namely Dianthus chinensis L. and Sambucus nigra L., were further analyzed. For Fructus Sambuci nigrae, a dedicated separation and purification scheme was established, which yields large quantities of fractions that are highly enriched in different peptides. Furthermore, these peptides were shown to contain three disulfide-bonds by LC/MS analysis following reduction and alkylation

    Comprehensive Insight into the Elderflowers and Elderberries (Sambucus nigra L.) Mono and Sesquiterpenic Metabolites: Factors that Modulate Their Composition

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    Plant secondary metabolites are synthesized for their protection and regulation purposes. Quite often, due to their properties, these metabolites have relevant organoleptic and biological properties and can play important roles in human health and general well-being. A relevant case study in this context is berries and flowers from Sambucus nigra L., which have been used for generations in folk medicine. Although those effects are mainly linked to phenolic compounds, mono and sesquiterpenic secondary metabolites may also play a key role. Despite their potential, S. nigra mono and sesquiterpenic compounds are yet largely unexplored. Complex and dynamic external and internal plant-related phenomena deeply affect terpenes profile, as metabolism, abiotic and biotic stresses, and understanding these phenomena is the first step for S. nigra berries and flowers’ valuation. This chapter will cover aspects linked to elder plant uses, mono and sesquiterpenic composition, and the influence of preharvest and postharvest effects over these metabolites. This knowledge is crucial for scientists and industries to understand and improve the quality of S. nigra-based products

    Chemical Profiles and Antioxidant Activity of Black Elder (Sambucus Nigra L.) - A Review

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    Introduction: All plant parts of elderberry (leaves, berries, inflorescences, roots, shoots, bark) have a long history of use in herbal remedy or lots of culinary uses, widespread in almost every continent of the world (1). Pro-health properties indicated a role of elderberry products intake in the prevention of cancer and diabetes.Aims: This paper presents an overview of the evaluation of biochemical compounds (sugars, organic acids, total phenolics, antioxidative activity, flavonoids, flavor and volatile compounds), found in flowers, berries and leaves of Sambucus nigra L.Materials and Methods: Chromatographic profiling, spectrophotometric evaluation, DPPH antioxidant assay, ABTS radical scavenging activity.Results: The variability of concentration compounds are found by uniform maturity of each phenophase of elderberry, hence the need varieties improve the quantity and quality of its yield. Elderberry has food industry properties associated with the presence of increased nutritive and decreased caloric value at fruits best correlated with the content of sugars and organic acids of flower, organic acids as a important metabolic pathway of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates. Several studies have confirmed that Sambucus nigra L. is a valuable raw material with many nutrients and bioactive substances, being extraordinarily rich in antioxidants, and the leaves are remarked as easily available source of antioxidant preparations in different domains (food products, pharmaceutics, or cosmetics).Conclusion: A bush of Sambucus nigra L. in the garden is our true handy pharmacy, a food market like as functional ingredient, a spot of color with unmistakable smell

    Selection of black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) and evaluation of its fruits usability as biologically valuable food

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    To carry out domestication, five genotypes (B1, B2, R, VG and RK) were isolated from natural populations by selection of black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.). The most prominent biological-technological characteristics were studied during fruit flowering and ripening. Flowering proceeded in the period from mid-April to the 1st decade of June, while ripening lasted from the 1st decade of August to the 1st decade of October. The largest inflorescences were found in genotype R (14.32 cm in diameter). The highest number of berries per inflorescence (on average, 280), the largest berry (on average, 0.21 g), and the best fruit quality (17.19% dry matter, 11.50% sugars, 35 mg vitamin C, and 2.58 g/l total colored matter) were all demonstrated by genotype VG. In all isolated genotypes fruit demonstrated biologically high quality, which makes it a good raw material desirable for diverse forms of processing. Its high yield level, pronounced resistance to disease agents and pests, as well as adaptability to adverse conditions are a recommendation for organic-based production